Group Exercise Classes
Make new friends and have fun while improving your health and well-being. Our skilled and certified instructors provide a welcoming, supportive environment for all ages and fitness levels. Classes are open to all active YMCA members and reservations can be made up to 7 days in advance through the LA Y App.
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Active Older Adults

Connect with others in classes like water aerobics and low-impact training designed for active older adults.

Strengthen your heart and lungs while burning calories and lowering body fat.

Dance classes at the Y are fun, motivating, and challenging.

It is a high-energy, no-impact cardio workout using the latest stationary bikes.
Martial Arts

Martial arts are a great way to develop balance, coordination, speed, and strength.

Pilates focuses on posture, balance and flexibility by developing core strength.
Small Group Training

Have one of our trainers take you and your friends through a great workout!
Total Body

Fun, high-energy classes using body weight resistance to improve your strength and endurance.

Breath control through a series of flowing movements designed to strengthen and lengthen your muscles.
Cardio Dance

Enjoy an effective cardio workout through a fusion of Latin and international music and dance.